"Now the seasons are closing their fileson each of us, the heavy drawersfull of certificates rolling backinto the tree trunks, a few old papersflocking away. Someone we lovedhas fallen from our thoughts,making a little, glittering splashlike a bicycle pushed by a breeze.Otherwise, not much has happened;we fell in love again, findingthat one red reather on the wind."-
Ted Kooser, Year's End
For You !
I love the December in many ways
Do not disturb me while I sleep in my PJ's
I wake up with the cup of coffee
I love these trees while they are turning into brown sleeves
Soon this road will wear a white dress
Than I call to my friend and play chess
When I think of her who was mine, although I was able to make a shrine
My thoughts, heart and breath starts beating fast
At the end everyone goes with the cast !!
Thoughts by: WK
Picture Credit: Abid Saddiqui
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